What is Polarity Therapy?

Polarity is a comprehensive touch therapy that brings the flow of life energy into balance. It redistributes blocked or excessive energy patterns in order to liberate the mind, emotions, body, and spirit. While treating these different aspects of ourselves as interwoven systems, this work provides a synthesis of our unintegrated material. Polarity helps us step into the light of greater authenticity and holistic health. Its creator, Dr. Randolph Stone, was an osteopath who drew from Eastern and Hermetic wisdom to create this remarkable approach to healing.



How is it different from other therapies?

Polarity Therapy meets you where you are. It provides space for the safe processing of patterns that may no longer be serving you. Although Polarity can be helpful in resolving any number of issues, it does not treat symptoms in the same way Western medicine does. Polarity treats the whole client rather than a set of symptoms. The symptoms are often not the root of the matter. Polarity invites all of you to the table, so that all of you can receive healing. In doing so, symptoms often shift. This work focuses on gently increasing the capacity to be present in your body and acknowledges both the challenges and innate wellness within the you. Polarity Therapists view health as the capacity for wellness or inner vitality; not whether or not you feel compromised in the moment. We are accessing something more foundational in your being. We support this foundational vitality and stoke it's flame through awareness, holding the intention of unconditional lovingkindness, skillful physical treatments, and verbal interaction.



What is it like?

In a session, the practitioner’s touch may range from deep to off of the body. Many of the contacts can be likened to acupressure. Sensations, emotions, and imagery may come to the forefront of your experience as the session progresses. Dialogue helps you arrive at a deepened understanding of your experience, as well as the opportunity to make meaning of it for yourself. You can think of it as an open exploration between you and the practitioner. While the practitioner works with the energy blocks, the two of you have an open line of communication around what you are experiencing. You might experience profound relaxation, shifts in the nervous system, emotional processing, or pain relief. Polarity Therapy also includes a system of movement and nutrition to support the physical treatments.


Why try Polarity?

People come to Polarity for innumerable reasons. Some are looking to relax, de-stress, and learn tools for navigating every day life. Others come in with physical injuries or an emotional hurdle to overcome. Some are experiencing an illness they are looking to receive support around. There are as many reasons to seek this work as there are people who seek it. People often come to Polarity when they are looking to make positive change, but aren’t really sure what that means for them. Maybe what they thought would work for them didn’t. What Polarity can provide for everyone is more clarity, perspective, and a deep connection to your inner self. Often, in that space of deep connection, blockages in the mind-body system rise to the surface for expression and release. By catching these glimpses of who we are at a deeper level, we have the opportunity to bring consciousness to what is unconscious. What are we holding onto that we aren’t even aware of? What do we miss because we are fixated on seeing what we already see? This is the power of Polarity. It helps us come into greater awareness of the truth of our selves on all levels.

For more information about Polarity, click here to visit American Polarity Therapy Association.